Made from lobster and caviar, World’s Most Expensive Pancake costs a staggering $1,300

Have you ever felt guilty about spending a few extra bucks on an entrée? After reading about this pricey pancake, you won’t bat an eyelash! Chef Matthew Downes at Opus Restaurant in Manchester, England has created the most expensive pancake in the world for $1,300. The chef prepares pancake with Scottish native Paradise lobster, Russian Beluga caviar, Hulle Verge truffles, Scottish mussels and langoustines. It is then eclipsed with a dollop of Dom Pérignon Rosé hollandaise sauce. And if that wasn’t delicious enough, chef tops the pancake with cream cheese and beluga caviar swirl.

The posh pancake is not on the restaurant’s menu, however diners can request the luxury dish on Tuesday (only if they have some extra cash to spare!).

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The pancake beats the 2009 offering from the same restaurant by almost $1100. In that occasion, the pancake cost $240 per serving and included Madagascan vanilla pods, organic strawberries and 23-carat edible gold leaf.




[Via – Manchester-Evening-News]

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