Steve Jobs doesn’t need to compromise when it comes to air travel

Who hasn’t heard of Apple chief Steve Jobs? The man is behind some of the most amazing products and recently launched the new Apple iPhone 3G. Being the chief of such an important company you know he is bound to live a busy life flying from one country to another promoting his products. Ever wondered what it costs for this high flyer when he is out there traveling the world? Well, here are some interesting stats on Mr. Jobs’s traveling expenses. Every quarter, Apple reports to the SEC how much money it reimburses Jobs for business use of his Gulfstream jet. Last quarter, that was $189,000 — more than the June or March quarters, but less than last year’s December quarter, when Apple reimbursed Jobs more than half a million dollars. That is some heavy price that Apple is churning out for Jobs travel. But according to Kathryn Huberty a Morgan and Stanley analyst, all this flying should make the shareholders happy as “more flying = more clients = more money”

Also read -  This $7,000 iPhone 13 Pro is made with parts from the original iPhone from 2007.

So I guess this is one employee who doesn’t have to bother about cutting down his travel expenses while the rest of us are busy saving our pennies.

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